Both Testaments warn about “The Slide of Pride”!

. For three thousand years, God’s people have refused to “Ride The Slide of Pride.”.


Question 1: “Does The Old Testament tell us about ‘The Slide of Pride’?”

Answer: “‘The Slide of Pride’ slid from down from God’s Temple in Jerusalem to semi-Jewish believers in Samaria. Then, it slid to Babylon. Every Old Testament person could ‘Ride The Slide of Pride’, or not.”


Question 2: “Where is ‘The Slide of Pride’ in The New Testament?”

Answer: “For 2,000 years, ‘The Slide of Pride’ has gone downhill from Rome to the same ‘Protestants in Samaria‘. It still ends in Babylon.”


Question 3: “What should a person do when they realize their immortal soul is on ‘The Slide of Pride’?”

Answer: “Get off ‘The Slide’! Go back to God!”


Question 4: “Did Old Testament believers in Judah know that ‘Samarian Believers’ were sliding down to Babylon?”

Answer: “They did when ‘Samarian believers’ began to sacrifice their children on Babylon’s altars of convenience. They were proud to publicly display their disobedience to ‘Thou shall not kill.’


Question 5: “Today, most Protestants are Pro-Life! How can they be on ‘The Slide of Pride’?”

Answer: “48,000 denominations of ‘Samarian Christians’ have chosen to not provide This Teaching from Rome: ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’


Question 6: “Why do so many people ride ‘The Slide of Pride’?”

Answer: “Many are desperate for approval from rulers. Most rulers hate people who believe there is a Higher Power than theirs!”


Question 7: “How long does it take for a person to ride ‘The Slide of Pride’ from Samaria to Babylon?”

Answer: “In only a few years Solomon ‘slid’ from building a Temple to God to proudly building temples to the false gods of Babylon.”


Question 8: “Is that how long it can take a ‘Samarian Christian’ to support those who believe in bringing death to billions of unborn children?”

Answer: “Every person is that close to riding ‘The Slide of Pride’ to Babylon.”


Question 9: “What sin does everyone who gets on ‘The Slide of Pride‘ choose to commit?”

Answer: “Every ‘Samarian Christian’ who proudly ‘Rides The Slide of Pride’ has let themselves be led to reject This Teaching from He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies!

‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’

Question 10: “Are all ‘Christians in Samaria’ lost?”

Answer: “No. The Bible tells us of one ‘Good Samaritan’ who loved God and his neighbor in Luke 10:25-37. May all ‘Samarian Christians’ follow that Catholic example.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

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