We must love our neighbors, even if they’re thieves.

As the bubbles of more obvious uselessness are threatened with bursting, defenses go up.  Those in threatened bubbles hire professional opinion-influencers in the media bubble to let taxpayers and legislators know that “People need to be able to access our services!”, along with  “It’s not fair to deprive people of things they need!”  Jobs in the media bubble may be disguised […]

The Divine Comedy, drama in The Creation Program.

Watching some of our neighbors decide to gain power and money by lying lets us see why Dante called his view of time and space The Divine Comedy.  A comedy is a play with a happy ending.  It is justice that lets those who want to separate themselves from God do so forever.   Catholic […]

Sunday, July 8, 2012 Weekly Readings. Why the Jews rejected Jesus.

Sunday, July 8, 2012 Reading 1 Ez 2:2-5 “As the LORD spoke to me, the spirit entered into me and set me on my feet, and I heard the one who was speaking say to me: ‘Son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites, rebels who have rebelled against me; they and their ancestors […]

Self-inflicted stupidity can be cured.

Liberals often say that conservatives are “stupid”.  No one seems to mind.  Conservatives, of course, are not allowed to say that “Liberals are ‘stupid’”.  What kind of a word is it that can be used by one group but not another? Webster gives a definition that shows “stupid”  is a word that’s very judgmental:  “Stupid:  […]

Battling prophets.

In Today’s Reading, there is one real prophet and one false prophet.  The difference is now clear.  The predictions of the real prophet, Amos, came true. The reading is perfectly illustrative of every age.  Today, battling prophets predict global freezing/warming.  Others prophets don’t.  Some prophets predict rising markets.  Others predict that the same markets will […]

Someday, an end-of-the-world prediction will be right.

A classic cartoon pictures a bearded man carrying a sign proclaiming that “The End is Near!” People have been predicting the end of the world since Adam and Eve were evicted from the Garden.  “The end is near.”, they said, and it was the end of their happy, perfect world. Looked at in that light, […]

Gossip makes salvation difficult.

As soon as we hear of someone making a mistake, there’s an urge to tell other people about it.   The degree with which we relish beginning a sentence with “Did you hear  . . . . .?”  shows how much some of us like to gossip. Each time that we enjoy telling about what someone […]

Don’t we need a new economic system?

Persistent pleas come from people who are so unhappy with the way things are that they  endlessly ask:  “Don’t we need a new economic system?”  People who want more tend to say “Yes!” More prosperous people tend to answer in the negative when asked “Don’t we need a new economic system?”  They don’t want to […]

When money drops from the sky, clever people take it.

A month ago, my wife and I spent eight hundred and fifty dollars on two sets of earrings at an auction.  We’d bought them for Christmas presents, and were stunned to find that they were appraised for$84,000.00.  The appraiser was surprised, as well, and called the manufacturer.  The value was affirmed.  Pink diamonds in the […]

God hates idols and idol-worshippers.

Most citizens spend a great deal of time complaining about government shortcomings.  All complaints boil down to one coin with two opposing sides.  One side believes that “The government should let me keep more of my money.” The other side, often poorer, lazier, and not as bright believes in the other side of the coin:  “The […]