The Saved Seek Truth. The Lost Know Where it Leads, and Ignore It.

Today’s Reading, from  Mk 12:28-34, illustrates a problem common to every age, including our own.  The timeless problem concerns breaking free of the world and the programmed entities turning to God, The Loving Programmer of all. “One of the scribes came to Jesus and asked Him, ‘Which is the first of all the commandments?’ Jesus replied, […]

Fraudsters are More to be Pitied than Censured

Some priorities never change.  It’s always important to obey the Commandments, especially when it comes to loving God and neighbor.  It’s always important to have children, raising and supporting them well.  It’s always important to avoid any self or family-damaging sin. In reviewing several years of posts on, it’s interesting that the focus has […]

Priorities; Putting Childhoods’ Things Aside

There was a day when every boy put his electric train and baseball glove away for the last time.  One day, every girl packed away a doll she only saw again when opening a dimly remembered box.  Each life is a succession of things, thoughts, and pretenses that we once believed to be so enjoyable, […]

Why Automobiles Disappeared: Unsafe at any Speed

When automobiles were first developed, there were no windshield wipers because there were no windshields.  When Harvey Wiensheld propped an old storm window in the front of the driver’s seat in his early Burpon phaeton, admiring journalists  called it a “Windshield”, and Havey Wiensheld’s  invention became famous, though Harvey has since sunk into anonymity. The […]

When Lies Get Too Big, New Funding Sources are Needed to Support Them.

The Global Warming/Freezing  lies are disappearing.  Despite the attempts of elite profiteers to continue making billions from them, too much truth is coming out.  When less than half the people will publicly admit to believing they’re a problem, and more than half the people understand that the enviro-frauds are there to take money from them, […]

The Choice is Clear: Love or Hate, Lies or Truth.

Those on the left tend to love death and disruption.  That is shown by the left’s inevitable support of revolutions, eugenics, socialism, nazism, communism, and most recently, Mohammedism.  Various disguises for their hatred of people, the latest being environmentalism, mask their love of death.  “Our goals are more important than life!” is their inevitable battle cry.  The […]

What to do with old Arrowheads?

Many of us have seen old flint or obsidian arrowheads for sale in antique stores.  Often,  such collections were carefully framed and hung on walls. Where did they come from?  Farmers, walking behind horse-drawn implements, frequently found them, picked them up, and kept them.  Others were dug up, often in Indian graveyards where they were […]

Excessive Educational Costs

Wow!  Americans owe more for student loans than for their credit cards.  Double Wow!!  Americans owe more for student loans than they owe for their automobiles. Convincing children to pile up debt for useless degrees is abuse.  That sort of child abuse is not said to be a crime when it financially abuses children in […]

Bribes That Used to Come From Communists Now Come From Moslems

Bribes destroy democracies Democracies have been corrupted by bribes since Athenians took bribes from Persians.  From the 1900s, especially in the 1960s-80s, until  the fall of the Soviet Union,  Communists were the biggest bribers of Western “Democracies”.   They  subverted Congresses, Parliaments,  and the state-run media. When bribe-takers could no longer get money from Communists, they […]