Catholic Fundamentalism is an unpopular orphan.

Many have asked, “Why is this new approach to The Church called ‘Catholic Fundamentalism’?  There has long been hostility between Catholics and Fundamentalists.  Isn’t there a better name than ‘Catholic Fundamentalism’?”

Catholic Fundamentalism begins with “Catholic” because The Catholic Church has been, from the time Christ said “Thou are Peter.  On this rock, I build My Church.”, the Church directly built on Peter.

“Fundamentalism” is there because the Fundamentalists have made an incredibly important contribution to Christianity.  Their belief in the truth of Scripture (except for ignoring a few things like  “Thou art Peter, and on this rock I build My Church”, and “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.”, has not been polluted with a lot pseudo-scientific claptrap.  Fundamentalists are to be respected for having stood so firmly in this area, despite scorn and mockery.

Darwinisms, dangerous to faith.

In recent centuries, modernists have polluted Christianity in general, and Catholicism in particular, with a lot of pseudo-intellectual Darwinisms.  As a result, millions of “enlightened” Catholics now believe the earth is tens of billions of years old and that we have “evolved” from the primordial ooze.

That position forces them to disavow the basic reality of their own Scripture’s history.  Worse, it keeps them from recognizing God’s awesome power to program particles, compile them into systems and beings, and download all His sub-programs into The Creation Program, within which our own, individual, human programs are downloaded.

After embracing popular Darwinisms, many Catholics distance themselves from The Church, just as the other side intended.  That temporal separation of their souls from God often becomes permanent.

God can program energies and particles.

The initial idea that “God can program particles.” helps Catholic realize that Fundamentalists’ beliefs in Scriptural accuracy are, suddenly, not unreasonable.  We first understand that it’s not impossible, and  then, that it may be reasonable, to conclude:  “God can program energies and particles.  He compiled those programs into systems and beings.  Then, He downloaded them into The Creation Program.  In our own Age of Electron Control, we can best describe God as ‘The Loving Programmer.'”  The basic concepts were first put forth in Crats!, (Old Drum Publishing) in the early 1990s.  Other books have added to this concept.

Catholic Fundamentalism is unpopular with some Catholics, especially professional Catholics, because it gives validity to the Fundamentalists’ faith in Scripture.

The reverse is equally true.  Catholic Fundamentalism is disliked by some Fundamentalists because it states unequivocally that the truest Church is that which comes directly from Peter, to whom Christ, Himself, said:  “Thou are Peter, and on this rock, I build My Church.”

Fundamentalists may also refuse to recognize Catholic primacy because it threatens their own, often substantial, cash flows.  The reverse is also true.

Catholic Fundamentalism tells an important truth:  “Saving our soul is our most important duty.  Faith is more important than science.  The Church is greater than any human organization.   Our individual salvation is more important than any amount of popularity.  Understanding God as The Loving Programmer helps us be more aware of His power and His love.”

Catholic Fundamentalism is an unpopular orphan.  It’s especially disliked among professional clergymen.   It’s even more unpopular among professional clergywomen.  Professional Catholics don’t like giving credence to Fundamentalism and vice-versa.  So, Catholic Fundamentalism is an unpopular orphan and will continue to be so.

