The culture of death is more worried about Pepsi than life.

It’s hard to imagine how rational, orderly human minds can be totally confused, not only without realizing it,but also while getting angry if their confusion is mentioned.  Sometimes, we get a glimpse of  how the culture of death is more concerned about imaginary problems than life.

Today, massive media concern emerged about the horrors of large containers of Pepsi and other soft drinks.  Dire threats of “childhood obesity” were mentioned on every network’s morning show.  Stern warnings were accompanied with the usual worries about  “sugar addiction”, “unhealthful dietary habits”, and a host of other imaginary problems.   These concerns were magically made public on a national scale  immediately after the Mayor of New York announced his plan to make large containers of Coke, Pepsi, and similar drinks legally unobtainable.

On the same day, hundreds of unborn children were killed by abortionists in the area visible from the top of a New York skyscraper.  Not one media person stopped talking about the dangers presented by large containers of Pepsi long enough to mention the tragic loss of  a single one of those aborted young people.
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It’s rarely as obvious as this that the culture of death has the ability to distract people with utter trivia while convincing them that the minor distraction is more important than life, itself.

The culture of death is more worried about Pepsi than life.  We have to see through intentional sham and focus on life to save our souls.


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Catholics are chosen to want “The keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.  May all be blessed to ask God to “choose” them! ~ Question 1:  “What Two Bible Passages guide Catholics every day?” Answer:  “God gave us Psalm 118:24 three thousand years ago.  Two short sentences have brought believers closer to God every morning:  ‘This […]

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