Camels can go through the eyes of needles.

Today’s Gospel, Mt 19: 23-30, began Catholic Fundamentalism. Unlike Protestant Fundamentalism, Catholic Fundamentalism takes all of Scripture as literally as possible.

This began a whole new approach to The Church Jesus Founded. Now, we may understand that we live in a big-screen, long-running, 3-D Movie titled The Creation Program. The Creation Program was written and downloaded by The Loving Programmer in particles and energies. His sub-programmers, called “Angels” in the Iron Age, compiled the particles and energies into the trillions of systems and beings that comprise The Creation Program.

Each beloved human is the most complicated program of all. Each is given free will and must choose either to believe and obey the Operating Instructions, or not. The complexity of The Creation Program gives us the freedom to believe in 20 billion years of evolution or a more recent Creation. Here’s how Catholic Fundamentalism began:

Jesus said to his disciples: “Amen, I say to you, it will be hard for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of heaven. Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God.”

When I first read this passage, the conclusion was obvious: “If a camel could not go through the eye of a needle, a rich man could not get into Heaven.” It was a simple as that. Before Catholic Fundamentalism, the passage was thought to be an allegory. “The ‘needle’s eye was a gate in Jerulsalem’s wall. It was so narrow a camel had to be unloaded to get through. The passage shows that we must remove our material concerns to get into Heaven.”

I knew all that. And, Protestant at the time, was sick of endless allegories. So, I was led to take His Words as literally as possible and tried to figure out how to put a camel through the eye of a needle.

Long thought produced two solutions. The first was to built a huge needle, a block or so long. Its eye would be large enough for a camel to walk through. A nagging voice said, “You couldn’t sew a button on your shirt with that needle.”

“Then, I will incinerate a camel, fill a five gallon pail with its ashes, dilute the ashes and micro-pump them through the eye of a needle.” The same nagging voice: “The camel wouldn’t be able to walk.”

Then, this thought came into my mind: “Take an egg from an ovulating camel. Put it on a microscope slide and fertilize it with a donation from a male camel. While the fertilized egg is dividing and redividing in a drop of amniotic fluid, put a needle onto the slide. Lift it so the fertilized egg will pass through its eye. It will be like a ping-pong ball going through a basketball hoop. Then, put the fertilized egg back into the womb of the mother camel. When it is born, it will be a camel that has gone through the eye of a needle.”

Then, I knew that an actual camel could go through the eye of an actual needle! I had seen how the most bizarre passage in Scripture made perfect, literal sense. And, I saw that it happened in our age for the first time in history.

We have a duty to share this new approach to The Church Jesus Founded with others of our age. When enough Pro-Life people are Catholic, abortion will be stopped

I realized that it was best to take Scripture as literally as possible. Slowly, over the succeeding decades, other passages taken literally grew into Catholic Fundamentalism. Catholic Fundamentalism is the first new approach to The Church since Pascal developed Probability Theory and applied it to choosing a religion. Allegories may be helpful. Catholic Fundamentalism is better. Catholic Fundamentalism takes computer-literate moderns straight into the heart of The Church Jesus Founded.

The work has been largely anonymous, and far more enjoyable because of that. All anyone needs to know about Catholic Fundamentalism can be found for free in nearby columns and books. It was made clear to me that most of the books and columns must be available at no cost, and they are. Why? So that no one can have poverty as an excuse not to find greater understanding of The Church Jesus Founded.

Catholic Fundamentalism: real camels go through the eyes of needles. Catholic Fundamentalism takes computer-literate moderns straight into the heart of The Church Jesus Founded.
