Catholic Fundamentalism’s foundation: First Principle #1

At the heart of Catholic Fundamentalism is an incontrovertible truth.

First Principle #1: Outside The Holy Trinity, no two things are equal. It is a very, very simple first step.

That simple truth is a foundation of Catholic Fundamentalism.

Many disagree. They respond to First Principle #1 by insisting there are equalities and reply “A equals A.” That’s a popular dodge. It avoids intellectual choices that may require unwanted improvements in thoughts, words, and deeds. Most humans wish to avoid any truth that may lead to the necessary discipline required for their souls to enter Heaven through The Only Church Jesus Founded. Believing in things like “A equals A” allows them to comfortably go on strolling down the broad path.

“A equals A” is an obvious lie. Its adherents fail to analyze closely enough to realize how obvious it is that the two A’s are not equal in time or space. By the time one has said the second “A”, the first “A” has changed its position in time. If the A has been written, its atomic/molecular structure has changed. It is impossible that “A equals A” outside of an imaginary postulation based on pretense. Many are happy with lives based on pretense.

Now that it has been established that “Outside The Holy Trinity, no two things are equal.”, we consider First Principle #2. “Outside The Holy Trinity, of any two things, one is better.”
We all think it’s better to win a big lottery prize than a small one. We generally think its better to have a larger diamond rather than a smaller one of comparable grade. The Catholic Church is The Only Church Jesus Founded that consistently teaches Jesus’ words. So, The Catholic Church is better than those that waffle under social or government pressures.

Of all the things we possess, the best is our immortal soul.

The best thing we can do is live so that it can get to Heaven, the best place to spend eternity.

The best way to get our soul to Heaven is to live as Catholics, striving to worthily receive His Body and Blood. That is the only way that Jesus said you or I could “have life in you”.

For Heaven’s sake, listen!
