Catholic Fundamentalism’s view of The Holy Trinity.

Considerations of The Holy Trinity are both ancient and ongoing.  In the Iron Age, The Trinity was defined as The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, “separate, but equal”.

We relate to “Father”, because we all have one.  And, we all know what a “Son” is.  “Holy Spirit” is a little harder to visualize.

Catholic Fundamentalism describes the same concepts in words that reflect current technology.

The Father is seen as “The Loving Programmer”.  Catholic Fundamentalism understands that He is able to program in energies and particles.  He writes His Programs and downloads them in what we visualize as 3-D pixel/fractals.  He wrote The Creation Program and had it downloaded, a totally 3-D universe.   He programmed Sub-programmers, in the Iron Ages known as “angels”, to help whenever necessary.

John’s Gospel begins:  “In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was, and The Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.  Through Him all things came to be, not one thing had its beginning but through Him.”   Catholic Fundamentalism sees The Son as The Program, complete and perfect.   He took perfect, obedient, human form and came to allow the obedient faithful to be uploaded into The Program for eternal joy.

How do we see The Holy Spirit?  In Catholic Fundamentalism, He is visualized as The Holy Wireless Connector.  He joins The Loving Programmer and The Program.  He is “Programming”, Father of Verbs.  The Holy Wireless Connector puts us in continual contact with The Loving Programmer while joining us with The Program in Heaven, Jesus Christ.  The Holy Wireless Connector also helps us connect with other programmed entities.

We have looked at The Holy Trinity in terms of current technology.  How, then, should we describe ourselves?  What are we earthly creatures?

Each one of us is a beloved human program, written and downloaded by The Loving Programmer at the moment of our conception.  We human programs have free will.  The Creation Program was written and downloaded to provide us with complete freedom to believe or not believe.

All parts of The Creation Program can be analyzed and believed to be very old.  It was carefully written and downloaded so that no human program could prove, intellectually, that The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded The Creation Program.  All of us can freely choose to believe we live in a universe created by accident, over billions of years.

Or, we can believe that The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded The Creation Program to separate obedient, believing sheep from disobedient, unbelieving goats.

One thing that may help?  The “goat” people are fond of looking up in the sky with telescopes, and sharing pictures of distant galaxies, pinwheeling through space.  “See!”,  they tend to gloat, “No God could have made all of that!  Especially not in the six days, or six thousand years, that the Bible says Creation may have taken!”

Catholic Fundamentalism politely and respectfully suggests a reply to those who elevate programmed entities to the level of The Loving Programmer:  “You, dear friend, have access to a ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ command on your computer.  The Loving Programmer has God-sized versions of our ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ commands.  Almost instantly, He can have His Programming Assistants copy and paste as many galaxies as He wants, wherever and with whatever variations He wants, free-wheeling through the dark nothingness.”

Catholic Fundamentalism’s view of The Holy Trinity.  In no other age can science be so clearly seen as “handmaiden to theology”.  Those mired in Conventional Reality hate that!

