Catholic Fundamentalists rephrase “born again”

Catholic Fundamentalists rephrase “born again”

with the idea that we erase our old programming habits and download His Program. We are helped in this process by understanding that we and all the people and things around us were likewise programmed by He Who has the ability to program energies and particles, compile them into systems and beings, and download them into actual being(s). His human programs have been the ability to decide that they are not His programs, but accidents within a series of larger accidents.

“Downloading The Program” is, technically, a more modern meaning of “born again”, but it does not by any means convey the deeper significance of the older phrase. When we think of our own birth, we know that we came out of the darkness and into the light. We were no longer locked inside a small place, but came into a big, big world.

The same thing happens when we cast off the shackles of conventional reality and, through faith, access and download the idea The Programmer, Program, and Holy Wireless Connector have programmed us within the vastly larger Creation Program so that we may have the joy of knowing them. Or, not.

When we make this, the most important download of all, we will have emerged into a whole, new world, our soul having left one that was as dark and confining as the womb from which we emerged.

It is interesting that when we break through to comprehending the power of The Programmer, one part of our world shrinks–there is no longer a need to think of ourselves living on a near-endless time line that stretches back for untold billions of years. By understanding that God programmed all Creation in order to give us, His most complicated programs, free will, we see that the only time that matters is the short time it took Him to download The Creation Program and the years between that to the time that He programmed us each one of us and downloaded us within it.

Those who don’t think The Programmer has that kind of power will have a harder time appreciating just how utterly magnificent the Program is, and how much more magnificent is He Who programmed it.
