“Be Catholic? I’d rather go to hell.”

After writing these columns for many years, I am still amazed to hear some in the 40,000 Protestant schisms say: “Be Catholic? I’d rather go to hell.”

That is not a wise conclusion.

We have free will. We will decide where we want our souls to spend eternity. Jesus, thankfully, has provided some guideposts.

“If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” is a strong statement on the subject. Did He provide a place where His Body and Blood may be obtained?
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The Roman Catholic Communion has provided His Body and Blood to the full believers since The Last Supper. To the first leader of The Only Church He Founded, Jesus said, “Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” He goes on to say, in Mt. 16: 18-20, that He gives His Church the power to forgive sins and the “keys to Heaven”.

So, we have His injunction, “If yo do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.” And we see that He has provided a place to obtain it. If we ignore His Words on the subject, can we get to Heaven? Can those who say “Be Catholic? I’d rather go to hell.” avoid that fate?

Is it worth taking a risk? When we hear someone saying, or thinking, “Be Catholic? I’d rather go to hell.” we must understand how real that possibility is. And, we must attempt to dissuade them from allegiance to some man-invented schism, human vanity in theological form, that separates them from The Only Church He Founded while reducing, and in some cases eliminating, the possibility of eternal joy.


Catholics have been carrying The Cross for 2,000 years.  We are blessed to be among God’s most persecuted people in History and have our souls be “living sparks darting through stubble”. ~ Question 1:  “When did Willful Protestants begin to persecute Catholics?” Answer:  “Vicious persecutions of Catholics began in the reign of Nero.  He burned […]

St. James obeyed Jesus before and after He Ascended into Heaven. We can trust St. James! ~ Question 8: “How does being Catholic help us get our souls into Heaven?” Answer: “James 1:19-20 tells us! ‘Remember this, my dear brothers: be quick to listen but slow to speak and slow to rouse your anger; God’s […]

Catholics know! A Roman soldier, a Centurion, had a clearer view of God’s Order than anyone Jesus had met in Israel. We see The Centurion’s early, Catholic Teaching! ~ Question 1: “What Psalm leads us to understand that a Roman Centurion had more faith than all the people living in Israel?” Answer: Psalm 28:2, 7, […]