Catholics are blessed to see what dreams mean.

Catholics are blessed to see what dreams mean. Every dream proves that “We are made in the image of God”. We know that God brought Creation into being.

When we dream, we bring a world into being.

The worlds we dream into being have actors, set decorations, stage props, and scripts.

There are two kinds of dreams.

1. In one kind of dream, we observe the world we dreamed into being.

2. In the other kind of dream, we are an actor in that world!


Catholics are blessed to see what dreams mean. Dreams show us the truth of Jesus’ Words in John 10: 34, “You are as gods.”

We are “like” God in that each of us brings a world into Being with every dream. Each dream brings a world into Creation.
What are dreams made of? Electrons and photons?

We don’t know. We don’t care. / We know God’s Truth is everywhere.


Our soul and spirit are our “Dream-Makers”. The details of every dream are made by copying and pasting electrons and photons from our memory banks. Or, by moving them into the desired place and returning them after the dream. Whichever way they do it, our spirit and our soul make dreams out of the memories in our mind.

Dreams are similar to going to stores and buying the materials to build a house.

Our Guardian Angel helps us dream good dreams. Evil demons bring glorification of pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth.

Guardian angels help us understand the need to obey God.


The closer to God we are, the better our dreams reflect His Dreams. Catholics understand that the Great Dream of God has provided us direct access to He Who Dreamed up us dreamers.

Our dreams are improved by obeying The clear call to Catholic Communion Jesus repeated fourteen times;

“If you do not eat My Body you do not have life in you.”

That is not a dream!
