Catholics are blessed with simple minds!

Catholics are blessed with simple minds.   We know two facts!

1. We have an immortal soul.

2. We know our soul will go to Judgment.


The big question!  “Will my immortal soul be allowed into Heaven?”  Catholics know the simple answer to that simple question!  We know whose souls will get into Heaven!  Jesus was clear about that!

“You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

What are His “commands”?


Catholics are blessed with simple minds!   We know two more facts!

3. Every Word of Jesus Christ is a “Teaching”.

4. Every “Teaching” is a “Command”.

So, Catholics reach the obvious conclusion!  “Every Word of Jesus Christ Is A Command I Must Obey.”

That’s how simple-minded Catholics are!


Catholics know!  “Jesus Christ fulfilled The Prophecies!  He is The Second Person of The Holy Trinity!  I must find and obey The ‘commands’ of Jesus Christ!  Where do I find His ‘commands’ today?”

Catholics know!   Jesus Christ did Speak One Church Into Being with His Holy Word!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Catholics are blessed with simple minds!   We know:

5. Jesus Christ did leave “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” on earth!

6. Jesus Christ left those “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” to St. Peter and his Successors.


Catholics are blessed with simple minds!  We know our place!  If we willfully disobey Any Word of Jesus Christ, we are arrogant fools!  We cannot have the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that He left on earth.

We know!  Willfully disobeying Any Word of Jesus Christ keeps our immortal soul from being forever among:

“You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Catholics are simple-minded!  What a blessing!

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