Catholics are happy. Protestants have a hidden anger.

Happy people have happy families. Angry people hate happy people and happy families.

Angry people do not have the happiness of thinking clearly.

Clear Thinking leads happy people to the simple fact: There is a Creator! That fact leads Catholics to believe in The Bible. The Bible leads us to look at The Prophets’ predictions about Jesus Christ.

Happy people think more clearly. We make connections that angry people do not.

We study the odds! We know what a Miracle it is that Jesus Christ Fulfilled The Prophecies.


What else did Jesus Christ do? He Spoke One Church Into Being with His Holy Word!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Happy people know! “Every Teaching of Jesus Christ is Truth! He left us one set of ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ on earth.

Happy people know! “Thank God! I have those ‘keys’!”

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Anger drives many to believe they are more important than God! “If there is a God, He has to let me into Heaven!”

Protestants love their opinions more than they love God! That anger drives many of them to encourage their neighbors to reject “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.

Catholics are happy. This hidden anger is the heart of Protestantism! “I want other people to disobey Teachings of Jesus Christ! I do not want anyone to get ahead of me!”


Some people are even angrier than Protestants! Those people choose to not believe in God! Their angry world is filled with Imaginary Problems. They were invented by the devil. Why? Imaginary Problems make angry people feel good about being angry!

Every day, angry people become more angry.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic!

P.S. If you like to think about God, go to the heading “Bible Translations” on that page. It helps us see how important The Book of Revelation is!


Is Jesus holding The Bible that He had St. Jerome compile for all the world? ~ Question 1: “The Disciples were The First Catholic Bishops. How did The Catholic Church survive every evil that could be inflicted upon Her?” Answer: “Despite centuries of vicious persecution, The Church had spread from India to Ireland. Pope Damasus […]

May our love and respect for Jesus keep us all from “sinking into sin”. ~ Question 1:  “What is our ‘body’ for?” Answer:  “Today’s Reading incluldes verses from 1 Cor: 6-20.  ‘Brothers and sisters:  The body is not for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body;  God raised the Lord […]

We all want to know!  What happens to the souls Jesus did not release from hell? ~ Question 1:  “What keeps people from being in The Only Church Jesus Christ Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the […]