God bless St. Jerome! He compiled The Bible! #26.

Is Jesus holding The Bible that He had St. Jerome compile for all the world?


Question 1: “The Disciples were The First Catholic Bishops. How did The Catholic Church survive every evil that could be inflicted upon Her?”

Answer: “Despite centuries of vicious persecution, The Church had spread from India to Ireland. Pope Damasus asked St. Jerome to compile The Bible so that every Catholic Church would have the same Foundation. A simple rhyme helps us remember when St. Jerome did that: ‘The Bible came alive / in 405!’


Question 2: “Why was St. Jerome chosen to do That Great Work?

Answer: “St. Jerome was a genius with languages! He could speak Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, and more. God guided St. Jerome to compile The Bible from The Old Testament and writings from The First Catholic Bishops who wrote The New Testament.

Today, September 30, Catholics celebrate God’s great gift to the world!”


Question 2: “Why doesn’t everyone connect The Bible to St. Jerome, Pope Damasus, and The Catholic Church?”

Answer: “The Profiteers of Protestantism do not want donors to Think Clearly about a simple fact:

The Bible came to us from The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Spoken Into Being by This Word of Jesus Christ!

‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 3: “Can a person meaningfully honor The Bible and not honor The Church Who brought it to earth?”

Answer: “Protestants are right to say: ‘We believe in Jesus and The Bible!’ They are wrong to reject The Source of The Bible, The Only Church Jesus Christ Spoke Into Being with His Church-Creating Word!”


Question 4: “Can anyone be meaningfully Christian while rejecting Any Word of Christ or His Church?

Today’s Catholic Bible Reading, Zec 2:5-9, 14-15 includes This Word of God in The Bible! ‘Sing and rejoice, O daughter Zion! See, I am coming to dwell among you, says The Lord. Many nations shall join themselves to The Lord on that day, and they shall be His people and He will dwell among you.’


Question 5: “Don’t Willful Protestants understand that Jesus can truly ‘dwell among’ Catholics because He has given His Catholic priests The Power to Preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation and give His Actual Body and Blood to those who receive Catholic Communion?”

Answer: “Protestants do not want to Think Clearly about the ‘life’ they are missing when they ignore The Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated 14 times: ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 6: “Does The Old Testament tell us about that?”

Answer: “Jeremiah 31:10-13 includes: ‘The Lord will guard us as a shepherd guards his flock. Hear the word of The Lord, O nations, proclaim it on distant isles, and say: ‘He who scattered Israel, now gathers them together, He guards them as a shepherd guards his flock.’

The Catholic response? ‘The Lord will guard us as a shepherd guards his flock.’


May all the world recognize The Truth of Every Word that St. Jerome was led by The Holy Spirit to put in The Bible! May every Christian be blessed to say “Thank you!” to God, His Church, Pope Damasus, and St. Jerome for letting us be in the ‘flock’ that He ‘guards’!”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. https://catholicfundamentalism.com/

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The best book of the last Century is “The Diary of St. Faustina”. It lets each of us realize how much Jesus loves our soul. https://www.saint-faustina.org/diary-full-text/


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