Catholics consider five things and conclude:

the-nativity-gerburt-christi-franz-von-rohden-detail-featured-w740x493.jpg Jesus and Mary

Catholics consider five things and conclude:  The wisest choice is Catholicism.

1.  The Book of Genesis describes God creating the universe in six days.  Most people chuckle indulgently.  “That is an old superstition.”

Catholic Fundamentalism describes old truth with new words.  “God programs in particles.  The Book of Genesis actually describes six different Programming Sessions.”

Movies programmed with computer graphics help us understand:  “God is far smarter than human programmers!  He programs in 3-D pixels!  He compiles them into Systems and Beings!  Some of His Programs are replicating!”

The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded The Creation Program like a huge movie set, in actual, long-running 3-D!  Why?  To give each of His beloved Free Will programs the opportunity to believe, obey, and have eternal joy with Him forever.

2. Then, Catholics re-think and take literally:  “. . i

In fact, the ova of a female camel is smaller than a grain of salt.  The fertilized egg of a camel could be put on a microscope slide and passed through the eye of an actual needle.  Then, the fertilized egg could be put into the womb of the mother camel.  When it is born, it would be “a camel that has pass(ed) through the eye of a needle”.

In our age, that bizarre statement makes more literal sense than ever.

3.  We may be blessed to understand:  “There were 2,000 years between God’s First Covenant with Abraham and The New Covenant that was written in Blood by He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies.”

500 years after The New Covenant, ‘The Thousand Year Reign’ (Revelation: 20) began.  For a thousand years, The Catholic Church ruled Western Christendom.  That ‘Thousand Year Reign’ ended 500 years ago when Luther fragmented The Church Jesus Founded.

4.  He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies repeated His astonishing teaching 14 times:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  Only obedient Catholics may receive That Holy Food.

5.  Now, 2,000 years after The New Covenant, The Creation Program runs toward its appointed end.

Catholics consider five things and conclude:  The wisest choice is Catholicism.
