Contradictions make dead places in the brain.

Older man dressed in business suit.


Contradictions make dead places in the brain.   A perfect example:  Protestantism believes in Jesus but ignores the clear call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated 14 times:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

The Apostles repeated that six more times.  One must work to deny how important “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” was to Jesus and His Apostles!

Half a billion Protestants in 45,000 competing  denominations share two contradictory beliefs:

1.  “Sometimes, we believe Jesus!”

2.  “Sometimes, we ignore Jesus!”

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Each contradiction in our mind causes a short-circuit.  With every contradiction, more “little dead places” appear in our brain.  Each time they say:  “I believe in Jesus and The Bible, but I ignore them when I want.”, their brains have less life in them.

As contradictions increase, the number of “little dead places” multiply.

The deep contradiction of “I believe in Jesus but I ignore doing what is necessary to receive Catholic Communion and ‘have life in” me.” does not stand alone.  Many say, “I believe in Jesus and The Bible.” even while they use birth control pills and implants that kill the tiniest, unborn babies.  Truly, they do not “have life in you”.

In the process of ignoring Jesus’ most often repeated specific instruction, more short-circuits follow. Soon, entire sections of the brain are, for all practical purposes, “dead”.

Contradictions make dead places in the brain.    It is best to be Catholic.  There is no contradiction in The Catholic Church because Jesus said of The Church He Founded:  “. . and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”



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