Catholics are consistent.

History is clear. The Church Jesus Founded has never wavered from the teaching provided by God through the Apostles. Consistency and Catholicism go hand in hand.

Powerful emperors, kings, and commissars have waged war on The Church’s positions. The Church has not wavered. Entire nations have suffered under anti-Catholic tyranny. The Church has not wavered. Her teaching, passed on from the Apostles, remains constant. Catholics are consistent.

All Christians have souls. Many are willing to risk their souls to guidelines that change under pressure. “It does not matter which of the 40,000 churches I attend. Some of them are four hundred years old. Some are four years old. All of them say ‘We believe in Jesus and The Bible.’ That’s enough consistency for me!”

Those who read Church History find real consistency: every Apostle but John met a painful, grisly death. Each of them died defending The Church’s teaching. Catholics are consistent.

The Church’s unchanging teaching: By believing and obeying The Church Jesus Founded we may get our souls get into Heaven.

In four centuries, forty thousand vain men have begun their own churches. Forty thousand men have come up with ways to put themselves in charge of groups who will financially support them.

The 40,000 schisms differ in 40,000 ways. Their only consistency is a dislike of Catholic consistency. On every other area of dogma, inconsistency rules. Can souls lost among the inconsistency and conflict of 40,000 schisms be saved?

Souls seeking consistency become Catholic. What else can we do? Catholics have the longest tradition of Christian consistency. Catholic consistency reaches back to the Prophets, themselves. Catholics are consistent.
