Catholics know! There are two sources of approval on earth.

Catholics know! God’s Promised Messiah came to earth in the Prophesied village, Tribe, and House. He lived in complete obedience to His Father in Heaven. His Father in Heaven approved!

Jesus Christ fulfilled over 300 Prophecies that predicted His Coming. Catholics know three things!

1. Every Word of Jesus Christ is a Teaching.

2. Every Teaching of Jesus Christ is an “Instruction”.

3. Every “Instruction” from Jesus Christ is a “Command”.


Catholics know! Jesus Christ told us that He approved of some people! “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Catholics obey This Word/Teaching/Instruction/Command from Jesus Christ:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

His Word took form on earth in The Catholic Church!

Catholics know! That “Word” of Jesus Christ “Teaches” His “Instruction” about The Only Church that He “Commanded” into Being!

That’s why Catholics are Catholic.

We do not argue with Any Word of Jesus Christ! We know what His “Words” are! They are “Commands”!

Obedient Catholics have This Approval from Jesus Christ. “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”


What is the other source of approval on earth?

Many people believe: “If there is a God, and if there is a Heaven, God has to let me in!”

Those people approve of everyone who disobeys The Church-Founding “Command” of Jesus Christ. Protestants give approval to those who reject some Teachings of Jesus Christ.

People who move farther from God give more approval to those who disobey more Teachings of Jesus Christ.

They have chosen to follow their source of approval: The devil.

We see whose approval people seek by seeing who they approve.

So does God.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
