13. “Why did Willful Protestants stop asking about angels and pinheads?”

The more powerful the microscope, the bigger the head of a pin becomes!

Once upon a time, Catholic Saints and Scholars asked a hard question!

Question 1: “What hard question did Catholic Saints and Scholars ask?”

Answer: “They asked: ‘How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin?’


Question 2: “Did they come up with an answer?”

Answer: “Yes. They realized: ‘God can make as many Angels as He wants to dance on the head of a pin.’


Question 3: “Why don’t people still ask that?”

Answer: “Microscopes were invented. People saw that that bodies were made out of cells. Bigger microscopes revealed that cells were made out of molecules. People soon saw that molecules were made out of atoms that were made from electrons, protons, and neutrons.”


Question 4: “Why did that make Willful Protestants stop asking ‘How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin’?

Answer: “Smarter Willful Protestants realized! ‘Under a microscope, the head of a pin is huge! Some of God’s Angels may be ‘holy photons’ that are smaller than an atom! We do not want people to think about that!'”


Question 5: “Why didn’t Willful Protestants want people to see that some Angels may take living form as ‘God’s Holy Photons’?”

Answer: “Willful Protestants disobeyed This Word of Jesus Christ: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

If Angels are ‘Holy Photons’ the size of atoms, they could be among God’s living ‘keys’ to ‘The Kingdom of Heaven’. Willful Protestants did not want donors to look into that!”


Question 6: “Is that why Willful Protestants stopped asking ‘How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin?’

Answer: “Yes. They do not want donors and tax-payers to see how The Power of God may work in the minds of people on earth.”


Question 7: “What can Catholics do to help Willful Protestants see that God uses Angels in the form of ‘Holy Photons’ to do His Work on the electron flows that take form in their thoughts and beliefs?

Answer: “We should ask God to have His ‘Holy Photons’ let them see that God’s Word is more important than their personal opinions about anything.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

A free book of simple reasons. http://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/AllTheWorldIsAStage-Final.pdf
