Catholics love to see details about Jesus. #3

Catholics are blessed! We see ‘details’ in Fifteen Words that lead us to Jesus and His Only Church!


Question 1: “Why are the Fifteen Words in 2 Tm 1:10 important?”

Answer: “Fifteen Words give us details about Jesus! ‘Our Savior Jesus Christ has destroyed death and brought life to light through the Gospel.’


Question 2: “Is the ‘first detail’ the fact that ‘Our savior’ is ‘Jesus Christ’?”

Answer: “Yes.


Question 3: “How do we know that?”

Answer: “In all History, only Jesus Christ fulfilled Prophecies that Predicted over 300 ‘details’ concerning His Tribe, House, place of birth, life, and death.”


Question 4: “How did Jesus Christ show that He ‘destroyed death’?”

Answer: “He rose from the dead! His ‘Resurrection’ three days after He was killed showed that He has ‘destroyed death’.”


Question 5: “How do we know that happened?”

Answer: “Eye-witnesses saw Jesus alive on earth for 40 days after His Resurrection from The Dead.”


Question 6: “How do we know they were telling the truth?”

Answer: “The witnesses loved Truth! Many of them preferred to be killed rather than lie about He Whom they saw ‘risen from the dead’.”


Question 7: “How did Jesus Christ bring ‘life to light’?”

Answer: “‘through the Gospel’!”


Question 8: “What is ‘Gospel’?

Answer: “Words of God. Today, we see His Words in two places: Catholic Teaching and The Bible.’


Question 9: “Why should we trust The Bible?”

Answer: “The Written Gospel was provided by The Catholic Church! St. Jerome finished compiling The Bible in 405, 4 centuries after Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem!”


Question 10: “How do we know The Catholic Church was right?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ told us that All Catholic Teaching would be ‘infallible’. He included That Promise in The Holy Word with Which He Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (emphasis added for focus on His Promise)


Question 11: “I can see that Jesus Christ did give The Gospel to The Catholic Church. What else did Jesus Christ give The Only Church He Spoke Into Being with His Word?”

Answer: “‘I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 12: “Does every ‘Christian’ need to study the details of: ‘Our Savior Jesus Christ has destroyed death and brought life to light through the Gospel.’?”

Answer: “Jesus lets Catholics see how He ‘brought life to light’! We must not let ourselves be blind to Any Word of ‘the light and life’ of ‘The Gospel’!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
