Many do not want us to be Catholic.

. The “keys”! The “keys”! May all be blessed to get the “keys” Jesus gave to One Church on earth!


Question 1. “What Words of Jesus do Catholics obey that other Christians do not?”

Answer: “Only Catholics will obey The Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated 14 times! ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’ He told us that 12 times in the last half of John 6. He repeated That Word twice more at The Last Supper.”


Question 2: “Don’t many Protestants receive Communion?”

Answer: “Jesus did not give their clergy The Power to Preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation. Only Catholic priests can turn bread and wine into The Actual Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.”


Question 3: “Why can only Catholic priests preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation?”

Answer: “After He provided The First Communion at The First Catholic Mass, Jesus gave His First Catholic Bishops His Order: ‘Do this in memory of Me.’ His Order did not fade away! For 2,000 years, every Catholic priest Ordained in Living Link with Jesus is both ‘ordered’ and ’empowered’ to Preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation at Every Catholic Mass.”


Question 4: “What if I don’t believe That Word of Jesus and refuse to do what is necessary to receive Catholic Communion?”

Answer: “You will believe and obey if you want to go to His Judgment and have your soul be forever among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 5: “What if I am a Protestant who is set in my beliefs?”

Answer: “You are blessed to face God’s Great Test! Willful Protestants who become Catholics are among the most blessed and beloved souls in Heaven.”


Question 5: “It’s hard! What do I tell all my non-Catholic friends and relatives?”

Answer: “Explain two simple truths.

1. ‘These ‘keys’ are more important than our opinions! ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’

2. ‘I want those ‘keys’ for my soul!'”


Question 6: “What if I can’t leave the world behind?”

Answer: “Ask God to bless you to live in obedience to The First Commandment and not put the earthly idol of human approval ‘before God.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

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