Catholics pass The Bible’s IQ Test.

Many Protestants say:  “I am not a Catholic because the word ‘Catholic‘ is not in The Bible.”  They think they have said something profound!  Many of them nod wisely after announcing: “The word ‘Catholic‘ is not in The Bible.”

Of course it isn’t!  It’s an IQ Test!  Not having the word “Catholic” in The Bible helps to “automate” the process of separating His obedient sheep from those who believe:  “We know more than Jesus!”

Jesus described The Only Church He founded:

“. . I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Christ’s obedient sheep are smart enough to realize, “The Catholic Church in the Only Church that has been led by Successors to Peter for 2,000 years!  And, The Catholic Church is the Only Church that has provided Unchanging Doctrine for twenty centuries!  The Catholic Church must be The Only Church Jesus Founded!”

Catholics pass The Bible’s IQ Test.  We are able to connect the dots.  Catholics are obedient enough to be in The Only Church Jesus Founded.

Others let their minds be confused by self-serving men in the 45,000 Vanity Denominations.  “You don’t want to be Catholic!   I will tell you that you are a good person!  I will tell you that you are smart!  I will tell you that you are going to Heaven.  I will tell you that as long as you keep giving me money!”

If their brighter members should ever dare to ask the hard question:  “Should I be Catholic?  Should I be in The Only Church Jesus Founded?  Don’t we have to actually obey Jesus to be forever among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”?

Pastor Bobs of the lower-end denominations will reply:  “You don’t want to be Catholic!  The word ‘Catholic‘ isn’t in The Bible.”

They do not pass The Bible’s IQ Test.


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