Catholics put Protestantism into five thousand years of perspective.

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles


Catholics put Protestantism into five thousand years of perspective.  4 to 5,000 years ago, Abraham’s Intelligent Ancestors began to take over large parts of the World.

God had given them the ability to think better than earlier peoples.  We are genetically or spiritually descended from them.

~The First Governments~

Abraham’s Ancestors turned the founders of their families into gods.   Ancestor Worship helped “Royal Families” keep control.    Greeks would brag: “We are descended from Achilles!”  Alexander the Great claimed descent from Zeus.

Osiris, Marduk, and Baal were relatives of Abraham’s Ancestors.   They founded Families in Egypt and Chaldea.

Family Founder Religions supported the government.  The government supported them.  And, they worried!

“The Temple is getting too powerful!  Our power is at risk!”

What did they do?  Governments encouraged early versions of Protestant denominations.   Soon, Minerva, Mithra, and hundreds of gods were worshiped!   Family Founder Religions of Jupiter, Marduk, and Baal were weakened.

Thousands of year ago, State-sponsored Protestantism worked!  It kept any Family Founder Religion from threatening the government’s power.

~The Truly Royal Family!~

Then, The Prophecies were Fulfilled!  The Son of God came to earth!   He Spoke One Church Into Being with This Decree!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

His Church provided God, Love, and Logic.  That allowed Catholic Teaching to gain followers all over the world.

~History repeated itself!~

Governments realized!  “The Catholic Church has too much power!”  Governments did what Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, and Babylonians had done thousands of years before.  “We’ll hire Protestants to set up competing denominations!”

500 years ago, the new Protestant denominations all believed in some Teachings of Jesus Christ!   Some still do!

~What’s next?~

Angry, unhappy people never admit that any “Truth” could be more important than their desires.

They turn modern fads and ancient sins into gods!   “Global Warming” and “Diversity” became New Temples!  Even Protestant denominations are attacked by the New Temples!

God knows:  “Governments that do not stand for truth cannot stand.”

Catholics put Protestantism into five thousand years of perspective.  It helps us understand how the “first and second beast” work together with “the dragon” to attack The Only Church Jesus Spoke Into Being!

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