Catholics respect God’s Power enough to make this Prayer:

Catholics respect God’s Power enough to make this Prayer:

“God, we are sunk in sin.  Billions of unborn babies, including our own children and grandchildren, have been kept from being born.  Please, God, bless their souls!

“It was our fault, and not theirs, that their lives were ended by abortion and abortion-inducing birth control chemicals and implants.

“We beg of you, Dear God, forgive us for allowing them, and sometimes causing, them to die before they were born.

“Often, we were truly ignorant of what we were doing to them.  Often, we knew on some level, and still sinned in not valuing their lives more than our convenience. 

“Please, God, bless their souls.  Please, God, forgive us for not doing enough to protect their precious lives.

Please, God, let us be aware of the enormity of our sins that we may ask you fervently for Your Forgiveness.

We have ignored The Teaching of Your Church  ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’  The death of innocent, unborn children, even our own, has been the result.”

Catholics know that God can forgive us.  We pray that all will be blessed to avoid the confusion from anti-Catholics that has resulted in their deaths.

“God, please bless the souls, lives and endeavors of our children and grandchildren. Please, bless the souls of those whose lives were taken before they could be born.  Please, bless them!

“Please, forgive us for allowing, or causing, little children to die.”

We should pray that prayer every time we see a child.

We can be forgiven.  We must do what is necessary to receive Absolution from the only Priests ordained in The Only Church Jesus Founded.  They have this power:

“Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

We need His Forgiveness.  Desperately.

