. Catholics are able to do more than see The Power of God in this painting! We receive The Life He gives us!
Question 1: “Why do Catholics say the same thing: ‘God, thank You for me.’?”
Answer: “Catholics understand! ‘The God Who Spoke all Creation into Being with His Words also spoke us into Being! His angels formed us from the atoms of our ancestors’ DNA and I am me! A gift from God in the image of God!’”
Question 2: “Don’t other people know that about themselves?”
Answer: “They know a little bit about that. But, their minds are too asleep to more fully understand how wonderfully close to God they can be.”
Question 3: “Why don’t the minds of non-Catholics wake up?”
Answer: “Their minds are asleep! Only Catholics are blessed to obey The Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus Christ repeated fourteen times! ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’”
Question 4: “Does it actually happen that bread and wine become The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ at every Catholic Mass since The Last Supper?”
Answer: “Only Catholic minds can Think Clearly enough to live by the fact that Every Word of Jesus Christ is Truth!
Question 5: “I don’t understand that! I do believe in Jesus. I do believe He is The Son of God. Why don’t I believe that He has The Power to give ‘life’ to Catholics by giving them His Actual Body and Blood?”
Answer: “The soul of a Catholic is large enough to overshadow the demons of vanity that darken every mind they can! We have His ‘life’ in us because we put God’s Words before all others.”
Question 6: “What lets Catholic souls be big enough to hold God within them?”
Answer: “We are what we eat! When we eat The Body and drink The Blood of Jesus, our soul gets bigger and brighter. When we refuse to do that, our shrunken soul gets small and dark.”
Question 7: “Do Catholics eat His Body and drink His Blood at every Communion?”
Answer: “The Catholic mind thinks clearly enough to fully understand! ‘There is no Body without Blood and no Blood without a Body.’ We receive both His Body and His Blood every time we are blessed to receive Holy Communion and have His ‘life in’ us!”
That is why Catholics say the same thing: ‘God, thank You for me.’”
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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
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