Catholics know! The Bible teaches of “Two Races of People”. 6

One “race of people” is grateful to Jesus for giving us “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.


Question 1: “Where does The Bible teach specifically that there are ‘two races of people’ on earth?”

Answer: “Psalms 24:1-6 makes it clear. There are ‘two races of people’ among those ‘who dwell in the world’.”


Question 2: “What is the difference between the ‘two races of people’?”

Answer: “One kind may ‘ascend the mountain of The Lord.’ and may ‘stand in His Holy Place’.”


Question 4: “How can we tell who gets to do that?”

Answer: “That ‘race of people’ is easily seen! Their ‘hands are sinless’, their ‘heart is clean’, they ‘desire not what is vain’, and they ‘never swear to a lie’.”


Question 5: “What will happen to those in that ‘race of people’?”

Answer: “They ‘shall receive a blessing from The Lord, a reward from God his Savior.’


Question 6: “Does The Bible make it clear that they are a special ‘race’ of people?”

Answer: “The Bible is very specific about that! ‘Such is the race that seeks for him, that seeks the face of the God of Jacob.’


Question 7: “What does that ‘race’ of people do?”

Answer: “They strive to obey Every Word of God so that their souls will not be stained by sin.”


Question 8: “Do people in the ‘race’ of people described in Ps 24:1-6 obey This Word of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies? ‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Answer: “For the past 2,000 years, one ‘race’ of people has worked hard to go to His Judgment and be in This Race of people! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

One ‘race’ wins God’s Race!


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