Catholics see God and His Angels in Joseph.

Catholics see God and His Angels in Joseph.  We remember:   God made his brothers jealous of Joseph.  They were afraid he would the vast riches their father, Isaac, had inherited from Abraham.  God sent His Angels into their minds.  They led them sell Joseph into slavery.  Angels arranged for slave-traders to be in a position to buy him.

Angels led Potiphar to buy Joseph and put him in charge of his household.  Angels drove Potiphar’s wife to be attracted to him.  Angels helped Joseph resist her advances.  Angels led Potiphar’s wife to accuse him of attempted rape.  Angels had the judge throw him into prison.

God had His Angels gave Pharaoh a dream that drove him to desperation.  Seven fat cows were devoured by seven skinny cows.   Catholics understand the tiny clue in Pharaoh’s dream.  The dream was made of electrons!  Tiny, atom-sized particles were formed to send a message to Pharaoh.  God sent angels into his brain to move the necessary atoms and electrons around.

The Angels, each like an electrician smaller than a water molecule, made the necessary connections in Pharaoh’s brain.  God’s Angels forced Pharaoh to think this was a dream of incredible importance.

God’s Angels drove Pharaoh to find out the meaning of the dream.  Angels drove Pharaoh’s employee to tell about Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams that earlier Angels had put into the minds of his fellow prisoners.
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The Angels of God gave Joseph the meaning of the dream angels had put in Pharaoh’s brain.  Angels made Pharaoh understand and impelled him to put Joseph in charge of preparing for Egypt’s coming famine.

Angels led his brothers to him.  Angels moved Joseph, and Pharaoh, to bring his family to Egypt.

Catholics see God and His Angels in Joseph.  We see that His Angels moved electrons and entire peoples.  Catholics are blessed to see God’s power.  We know that He still works, through tiny Angels, in every human mind.

Catholic pray that we will listen to God’s angels and to no other messengers from beyond.



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