Catholics are smart enough to see:


Catholics are smart enough to see:   science is catching up with The Church and begins to describe some of the Miracle of Conception by which each of us was formed.

“Using a new fluorescent sensor that’s able to track the movements of zinc in live cells, the team caught a glimpse of an egg’s zinc-storage capabilities, and found some 8,000 zinc compartments, each one containing around 1 million zinc atoms, just ripe for exploding. The tiny ‘fireworks’ that result were found to last for about 2 hours after fertilization.”

Catholics are smart enough to see:  Life begins with “a spark of life”.  The tiny ova from our human mother is smaller than the . at the end of this sentence.  It contains the “8,000 zinc compartments, each one containing around one million zinc atoms.”

When we set our imagination free, we let ourselves see that the tiny, smaller than . from our mother has 8,000 hotel rooms within.  Each room has a million occupants.

When the mother’s ova meets the father’s fertilizing cell, a new human program is written!  Each of us is different in every way.  Fingerprints, DNA, facial features, and every distinguishing characteristic that we have began in the two hours of conception.

Catholics are smart enough to see:  During this process, a great intelligence is at work.  Our spirit, mind, and body are downloaded around our soul.  We are programmed with the characteristics that God, Himself, wants us to have!

Opposing God?  Corrupting viruses seek to destroy as many of the tiny, . sized human beings as they can.  Demons drive many to hate themselves and their neighbors enough to want to kill the utterly helpless babies no bigger than . by using birth control “pills” and devices.

The Roman Catholic Church and its priests have been defending the most helpless humans against deadly destroyers for two thousand years.  We pray that they are blessed to save even more, and wonder how those who do not protect life can be thought of as “Christian”.  -c01231d85ef161b6.jpg    pro choice clergy at abortion clinic Ohio
