Catholics worship The Holy Trinity.  Protestants worship ideas about The Holy Trinity.


Everyone worships.  Catholics worship The Holy Trinity.  Protestants worship ideas about The Holy Trinity.


Catholics know that The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are “Separate, but Equal”.   Catholics also know that The Three Persons of The Holy Trinity are always in Perfect Agreement.

So, The Father and The Holy Spirit are in Eternal Agreement with The SonThe Son “Spoke” One Church Into Being when He was on earth.  His Holy, Church-founding Word is clear!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The Father and The Holy Spirit agree with Every Word Spoken by The Son.

For 2,000 years, Catholics have served The Only Church Jesus Spoke Into Being.   That blessed obedience lets us be among the only people Jesus lets into Heaven.  “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”


For 2,000 years, The Profiteers of Protestantism have invented reasons to ignore some of Jesus’ Words.  Either Jesus is right, or they are!

The Father and The Holy Spirit know that The Son is always right!

Catholics know that, too!


Idol-worship is the worship of anything but The Holy Trinity.  All idols are vanities that lurk in our minds.   Two facts are clear.

1.  Every Profiteer of Protestantism is faced with The Church-Founding Word of Jesus.

2. They all invent reasons for their donors to disobey Jesus and give money to them.

How do they do that?  They appeal to the idols of vanity living in every mind!   Their donors are people who love to be told: “You are smart!  You are good!  Jesus has to let you into Heaven!”


The simple fact?   It is impossible to obey Jesus while we worship the idols of vanity in our mind.  As soon as we fall into that deadly trap, we begin to believe:  “I am smart!  I am good!  Jesus has to let me into Heaven!”

Billions of Protestant say:  “Catholics worship idols.”

Everyone who says that is bearing false witness to justify worshiping the idols of their own vanity.

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