“a certain poor wanderer from Nazareth”

One of the interesting things about having catholicfundamentalism.com on Facebook is that so many Protestants share reasons not to be Catholic.

It’s instructive to hear the various ways they avoid Jesus’ clear command “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”
Once in a great while, someone in one of the 40,000 do-it-yourself schisms comes up with a new reason to avoid obeying Jesus. Rarely, they find an original way to ignore others of His clear, direct words “Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church. . .”
One of the lost souls described Jesus in a remarkably affected way: “a certain poor wanderer from Nazareth”.

It cleverly discourages directly thinking about unwanted instructions Jesus left us. One imagines the poor simpletons who listen to such drivel nodding wisely at such nuggets of sludge.

As a Catholic, of course, The Living Son of God is both God and man, Divine Nature in Human Form Who appeared because Mary said “I will be the handmaid of The Lord”. He is The Second Person of The Holy Trinity. To describe Him with hollow shallowness of being “a certain poor wanderer from Nazareth” diminishes the need to believe Him a God to be obeyed.

“a certain poor wanderer from Nazareth” is a triumph of triteness over obedience that raises a new concern: Would the person who invents descriptions that distract from the deeper awareness of the need for obedience be punished more, or less, for avoiding Jesus’ instructions in a different way?

Are those who let themselves be distracted from obedience by such fatuousness more, or less culpable?
