Christmas is coming! Catholics think of Mary!

Christmas is coming! Catholics think of Mary!

The “Word of God” helps us understand why.

Hebrews, 4:12 is clear. “The word of God is something alive and active: it cuts more incisively than any two-edged sword: it can seek out the place where soul is divided from spirit, or joints from marrow; it can pass judgement on secret emotions and thoughts.”


The Bible is very clear. Our “soul” and our “spirit” are two separate entities.

At death, our “soul” leaves our body. It goes to Judgment. Our immortal soul knew that would happen from the moment of its conception. Then, we were smaller than a grain of salt!

We grew. Our spirit, mind, and body coalesced around our holy, immortal soul.


In a happy person, the “soul” and the “spirit” live in joyful agreement. In a happy person, our spirit’s “secret emotions and thoughts” are subjected to our soul’s cry for obedience to God.


Mary is The Blessed Mother of Jesus! Jesus is The Second Person of The Trinity! Why was Mary chosen to let God come to earth?

Mary’s Soul and Spirit were united in obedience to God.

Luke 1: 47 tells us of Mary’s oneness of “soul” and “spirit”.

“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior.”

Mary’s Soul and Spirit were one, obedient, undivided Unity!


What of Mary’s Mind and Body? Would all of Mary be in Perfect Harmony with God? After all many Ages had passed, God sent His Archangel, Gabriel to Mary.

His Word was clear!

“Hail (Mary), Full of Grace, The Lord is with Thee. . .”

What would Mary say to Gabriel? Creation quivered in suspense! Mary’s Soul, Spirit, Mind, and Body, were One! Her Holy Unity echoed throughout all of time and space:

“I will be the handmaid of The Lord.”


Mary’s obedience allowed The Word of God to become The Word of God in Human Form on earth!

May our own souls, spirits, minds, and bodies strive for such obedience!

Only then may we be among the only souls Jesus lets into Heaven:

“You are My friends if you obey My commands.”


Christmas is coming! Catholics think of Mary!

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