Circles of Sanity

Catholic Fundamentalism suggests there are “Circles of Sanity”. The more contradictions in our thoughts, the crazier we are. For instance, someone may say, “I believe in Jesus and The Bible. It doesn’t matter which church I attend as long as I believe in Jesus and The Bible.”

In actual fact, Jesus said “I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you The Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”
We see the confused soul moving outward in The Circles of Sanity. “I know Jesus really did appoint Peter to be the first leader of The Catholic Church. But, I would rather be in the little denomination that Pastor Bob invented because I am used to it.”

Moving out to more distant Circles of Sanity continues with: “Yes, I know that I say I believe in Jesus and The Bible and I know that I am not really believing in Jesus and The Bible when I prefer a man-invented schism to The Only Church Jesus Founded. And, I know that Jesus did not give “The Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” to Pastor Bob. Still, I am happy with doing what I do.”

When asked: “If Jesus gave The Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven to Peter, the first Pope of The Only Church Jesus Founded, and He did not give Pastor Bob The Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven, how can Pastor Bob get your soul into Heaven?”

“Well, I believe in Jesus and The Bible, so I will be saved.”

And, we ask again, “But you admitted that you really don’t believe because you prefer Pastor Bob’s man-invented denomination to The Only Church Jesus Founded. So, if you really don’t believe, how can you be saved?”

“You are being mean-spirited if you think I cannot do as I please and still get to Heaven. God can do anything.”

We may point out, “It is impossible for God to contradict Himself. If you say you believe in Jesus and do not believe that He was right to say ‘Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church’ you must think God can contradict Himself.”

Such conversations, separating the sane, are meant to take place. Many are helped to leave the contradictions of the schisms for the sanity of The Only Church Jesus Founded. It is the only “Contradiction-free Zone” on earth.

The sanest people, from whom those in contradiction grow more distant as contradictions increase, are Catholic priests and religious. They have renounced contradictions and represent the high points of non-contradictory Christian belief and obedience.

Around them, and growing more confused by contradictions with each step away in the Circles of Sanity, are those who, for some reason, seem to embrace living in contradictions. Violence to the unborn, going from abortion-inducing birth control to abortion to destruction of other neighbors, increases proportionately as one moves toward the outer Circles of Sanity.
