Who is closer to God, Protestants or atheists?

A hard question:  Who is closer to God, Protestants or atheists?

Atheists do not believe in God, Jesus, or The Only Church Jesus Founded.  Atheism is a pure, simple rejection of God.  “I do not believe in God.  I do as I please  When I die, I am dead.”

Protestants disagree:  “I believe in God, Jesus, and The Bible.  I have an immortal soul.  Because I believe in Jesus, my soul is going to Heaven when my body dies!”

Protestants insist that they believe in God, Jesus, and The Bible.  When The Bible quotes Jesus:  “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”  Protestants disagree:  “Jesus and The Bible are wrong about that.  My beliefs will get me into Heaven.”

So, atheists say “I do not believe in God.”

Protestants say:  “I know more than Jesus.”

Which group is closer to God, Protestantism or atheism?  Atheists are honest enough to simply say:  “I choose to not believe in God.”

Protestantism is more complicated!  “I believe that God, The Second Person of The Holy Trinity, took Human Form.  He fulfilled the Prophecies about Him.  He came to earth to save our souls.  But, I believe He was wrong when He said:  “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Who is closer to God, Protestants or atheists?

Whom does God prefer, people who do not believe in Him, or people who say “The God I believe in is not always right about everything.”?


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