Consider the enormity of their lies.

Those who hate their neighbors tell endless lies to impoverish and destroy. They have chosen not to love, so are left with hate. They reject truth, so must embrace lies. Their lies are vast and interlocking. Some parts of the lies are repeated. “We only want to help.” recurs through the ages. “Change is needed.” is always popular. “We have to get something done.” lets them sound concerned. “I am worried about over-population.” gives them a reason to kill and loot. “We need a little top-down planning.” helps them take over.

In our time, the deadliest lies concern abortion. Almost as murderous are the DDT lies that cause the needless deaths of millions and the suffering of hundreds of millions. The Global Warming lies are large and complex, fooling billions of people into thinking it is better that poor foreigners should die rather than accelerating Global Warming by their very presence.

Death is ever their goal. Some savor the quick death of the abortionist. Others, the slow death of malingering malaria. Those a little less bloodthirsty labor to drive their neighbors into greater poverty.

All pain and suffering is secondary to some imaginary goal. “Without reducing carbon dioxide, we will all be dead in a few decades.” Hysteria is piled upon hysteria, and still they go on.

Odd notion.

As you’ve noticed, periodically I write about light. It’s a mystery as to how light gets into the brain and is stored there, to be recalled during dreams and memories.

About six this morning, I awoke from a dream that traced light as it passed through the lens, the vitreous humor, and retina on its way to the brain. By the time it got to the storage area, it was transformed into readable letters that were stored.

The letters were bright yellow, rows of them written on something smaller than molecules. Surprisingly, the shapes with which God had programmed the light to be stored and recalled in our minds had familiar shapes. They resembled Greek, Hebrew, and Latin letters, some similar to what we use every day. Others were slightly different, but close. For all the colors, shades, and shapes we see, there weren’t as many letters as I’d have thought would be needed to describe, store, and recall everything we see.

I hope there’s an upcoming dream that describes what sounds and smells do when they get into the mind.


Dreams are made of light that is recalled and rearranged. Our spirit, or soul, recalls and combines things together to give us insight that we may not get by seeing things as we usually do when awake.
Our spirit and soul endlessly seek God and truth. The other side works to keep lies and confusion busy at work destroying the idea of order. Our dreams are often reflect the battle between order and disorder, sanctity and sin. Each mind is a battleground for warring spirits.

Life in liberal paradise.

The Cuba Transition Project tells us that Cubans are free to do anything except:

• Travel abroad without government permission • Change jobs without government permission • Change residence without government permission • Access the Internet without government permission (the Internet is closely monitored and controlled by the government. Only 1.67% of the population has access to the Internet) • Send their children to a private or religious school (all schools are government run, there are no religious schools in Cuba) • Watch independent or private radio or TV stations (all TV and radio stations are owned and run by the government Cubans illegally watch/listen to foreign broadcasts) • Read books, magazines or newspapers, unless approved/published by the government (all books, magazines and newspapers are published by the government) • Receive publications from abroad or from visitors (punishable by jail terms under Law 88) • Visit or stay in tourist hotels, restaurants, and resorts (these are off-limits to Cubans) • Seek employment with foreign companies on the island, unless approved by the government • Run for public office unless approved by Cuba’s Communist Party • Own their own businesses, unless they are very small and approved by the government and pay onerous taxes • Retain a lawyer, unless approved by the government • Choose a physician or hospital. Both are assigned by the government • Refuse to participate in mass rallies and demonstrations organized by the Cuban Communist Party • Criticize the Castro regime or the Cuban Communist Party, the only party allowed in Cuba.

American and European “liberals” are not outraged at this lack of liberty. Instead, they praise the Cuban government at every opportunity. By doing so, they proclaim that they are living a lie. That’s how they identify each other. “Oh, good. You’re a liar, too.”
