The Culture of Death wants everything to die.

The Culture of Death wants everything to die. It takes awhile to comprehend the number and enormity of the lies with which we are barraged. Every human being and institution is under attack by the Death Culture’s lies.

The Programmer has allowed for enough freedom to allow all of us to see that the The Culture of Death’s lies is always headed for Jonestown. Marxist Gulags. The Great Leap Forward. Endless Five Year Plans. Gas Chambers.

When we see lies, for instance, about the newly popular “Global Warming”, it’s important to see it as another excuse for the rationing of food and energy around the globe. Such rationing will destroy every economy, while raising governments’ power to absolute degrees, always the goals of The Culture of Death.

To them, everything that exists is an opportunity to gain power by destroying others. Catholic Fundamentalists see that the afterlife suffering those in The Culture of Death are inflicting on themselves is commensurate with the agony they caused their neighbors. By some sort of weird balance, their pain and suffering is directly related to the joy and ecstasy provided to those who loved their enemies.

The Programmer in Heaven not only keeps track of every action, but also, of every thought and word. When any person thinks or says cruel things, they are entered in the ether-disc beyond, and that is played back to us and to our final Judge.

We who have not become damnably hardened in The Culture of Death may change our thoughts, words, and deeds to be pro-life. If we do, we have a chance at joining The Programmer, Program, and Holy Wireless Connector forever in the Kingdom of God.

If Saul of Tarsus, who fanatically helped kill early believers, can turn from the Culture of Death to the Love of God, nearly anyone can.
