Danger lurks in silliness.

Wealthy families, foundations, and corporations are marvelously skilled at insulating themselves from criticism by appearing to “give something back”. They subsidize operas, playhouses, ballets, museums, galleries, and any number of charities that appear to be “helping the disadvantaged”.

For several decades, wealthy people have been supporting “green” organizations through their huge foundations. Many foundations seem to be run by bitter people who revel in the process by which they are able to use the money of the rich to justify keeping everyone else as poor as possible.

One of the currently popular inanities is “Green Building”. It is an example of pseudo-magnanimity of local rich people who are “giving back”. “Don’t look at our swollen bank accounts. Look at the way I am working to solve The Problem of Global Warming by encouraging ‘Green Building’.”

Shows and articles about “Green Building encourage others to “go green”. One of the suggested ways to “go green” is to use plenty of insulation. Another is to use double-paned windows. How would any of us be bright enough to have thought of that?

The painful drivel that justifies such inanities also has another intended job. It deadens the minds of all who read and see such trite nonsense masquerading as intelligence. Danger lurks in silliness.
