Did Protestant Bibles end “The Thousand Year Reign”?

Did “The Thousand Year Reign” begin 500 years after God Spoke This Word: “Hail (Mary), Full of Grace, The Lord is with you . . .”?


Question 1: “What is the ‘Thousand Year Reign’ that Revelation 20:2 foretells?”

Answer: “It may be The Thousand Years that God had The Catholic Church tell the world about The Holy Trinity.”


Question 2: “When could that ‘Thousand Year Reign’ have begun?”

Answer: “Queen Clotilde was The Catholic wife of King Clovis around 500 AD. She brought him, and he brought all of France, into The Trinitarian Teaching of The Catholic Church.
By 600, the Catholic wife of King Reccared in Spain led her husband away from the Trinity-denying Arians and into The Catholic Church. A few hundred years later, William of Normandy brought an organized Catholic government into England.”


Question 3: “According to that, when did ‘The Thousand Year Reign’ end?”

Answer: “It ended when The Profiteers of Protestantism changed God’s Words about The Mother of God in The Bible.”


Question 4: “When and how did they change This Word of God in The Bible: ‘Hail (Mary) full of grace . . ‘ ?”

Answer: “After ‘The Thousand Year Reign’, printing presses were invented. It no longer took 20 men a year to copy a Bible by hand. The Profiteers of Protestantism quickly provided their versions of The Bible to keep donors from seeing God’s Word to Mary.”


Question 5: “What Word of God did The Profiteers of Protestantism change?”

Answer: They All changed ‘Hail (Mary), full of grace’ into phrases that would keep people from realizing that because Mary IS ‘Full of Grace’, there can be no room in Her for any error.

Since Mary is ‘Full of Grace’, there could be no imperfection in Jesus from flawed human DNA.”


Question 6: “Did hiding Truth about The God-Created Perfection of Mary help The Profiteers of Protestantism?”

Answer: “Their changes kept donors from seeing The Flawless Perfection God gave only to Mary. That deception let them tell donors ‘Jesus is less than God! You should disobey His Church-Creating Word AND give money to us!’


Question 7: “What was the result of changing Words of God in The Bible?”

Answer: “Protestant confusion! Most Willful Protestants are too confused to Think Clearly about This Word of God in The Bible to get the only specific ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus Christ left on earth!

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


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