It’s difficult for many to accept

It’s difficult for many to accept The Trinity. From the beginning, those who sought reasons to ignore or attack Christianity used The Trinity as a way to disparage Christians by calling them “polytheists” who worshipped many Gods. Such arguments were popular with Jewish believers, and with Arians, Manicheans, and Moslems. They are still used by many who seek to deny the teachings of The Church.

Catholic Fundamentalists understand that, and respond to the same argument with different words: “We see The Father as The Unprogrammed Programmer. Like a father, He loves His children, but wants them to find Him as a result of their own urge for truth.

“We see The Son as The Program. He came among us in perfect, obedient, human form. As Colossians 1;15 tells us, ‘all things were created through Him and for Him.’ We see that the Lamb of God sacrificed Himself for us to bring those who would be saved to The Programmer by downloading The Program among them, collectively and individually. Catholics have the opportunity to download The Program directly, in the Mass, where the Miracle of Transubstantiation makes His Presence available to us. Truly, He is One with The Father.

“The Holy Wireless Connector joins Programmer and Program. No programmer can create a program without the process of actually doing so. The Holy Wireless Connector is that process, in living form. Additionally, He connects us with The Programmer and Program as we draw closer to the truth that all was programmed by God, including the free will that lets us choose or reject that belief.”

No human programmer can program without reflecting, in far cruder terms, what was accomplished by The Unprogrammed Programmer, The Program, and The Holy Wireless Connector. The relationship between those three in one human programmer is our human equivalent of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
