“disease” means “dis-ease”. Catholicism cures.

Bodies, minds, and souls suffer from disease.  “disease” means “dis-ease”. Catholicism cures.

Our bodies may be diseased with hurtful organisms.  Prayer cures many.

Minds are diseased with irrational thoughts that lead to confusion.   There is no confusion in 2,000 years of consistent Catholic Doctrine.  Catholicism cures the”dis-ease” of confusion.

Souls suffer “dis-ease” when we sin.

“disease” means “dis-ease”. Catholicism cures.  How?

Catholics know that our spirit, mind, and body were downloaded around our immortal soul.  That eternal miracle came into being at the moment of our conception.  Destroyers attack.  From conception to birth, billions of unborn babies are killed by abortionists and  abortion-inducing birth control.

All who survive are then attacked by every evil on earth.  Who defends life?

The Only Church Jesus Founded is clear:  “Life must be protected from conception to natural death.”  Catholics know that His Catholic Church is squarely on the side of life.  Knowing that God’s Church loves life removes a great cause of “dis-ease”.  Many support denominations that do not clearly condemn abortion-inducing birth control.  They suffer from the great “dis-ease” of a death-dealing inconsistency.  The more they hide it, the more “dis-ease” they suffer.

At Baptism, the soul is cleansed of Original Sin, the greatest cause of “dis-ease”.  Catholic priests are ordained in living link with those to whom Jesus said:  “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”  Catholics have our sins forgiven by Confession.  A great cause of “dis-ease” is removed from those who truly take Jesus seriously!

More “dis-ease” is removed by Communion.  Then, obedient Catholics receive The Actual Body and Blood of Jesus.  Catholics obey the clear call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated 14 times:   “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  Knowing that we “have life in” cures the “dis-ease” of worrying about death, here and beyond.

“dis-ease” is driven away by the Seven Sacraments.  Like soldiers obeying the command to rest, we are not “dis-eased”.  We are “at ease”.  Obedient Catholics are blessed to rest in peace, here and beyond.

“disease” means “dis-ease”. Catholicism cures.  We are “at ease” rather than dis-eased.
