“I don’t want to hear that Catholic stuff.”

Enthusiastic Catholics have had people of all ages say to them, “I don’t want to hear that Catholic stuff.”

Nearly everyone has heard of Jesus. They know that He fulfilled hundreds of prophecies written centuries before He arrived. Everyone knows that He continues to be ignored by many, including those who take credit for their ancestors having preserved the very prophecies that predicted His coming.

They also know that Jesus said “Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church. . .”

“I don’t want to hear that Catholic stuff.” is frequently heard, even from those close to death. Many who were taught that Jesus founded One Church and that He would sit in Judgment of each soul will say, right up to the end, “I don’t want to hear that Catholic stuff.”

That same person will follow the stock market, sports, personal, and political concerns up to the time of passing. They die. “I am proud of having been true to myself.” If they were “true to self” they would want to spend eternity in joy, so we know that “true to myself”, to those people, means something else.

“I don’t want to hear that Catholic stuff.” is another way of saying “I am so happy the way I am that I don’t want to change. I don’t want to believe in any God that would not want me the way I am.”

We see, lurking behind the rejection of Jesus’ teaching about His Church and Doctrines, a suffocating vanity.

For such people, “I” has replaced God, as in “I don’t want to hear that Catholic stuff.” When self is that exalted, The First Commandment has been broken.
