Earth, an Allegorical Structure

Allegorical Structure

The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded The Creation Program as a mirror of the reality beyond. Just as the punishments of Hell are more painful as one descends, the earth gets hotter toward the middle.
The Loving Programmer provided volcanoes for obvious reasons. We see the magma erupting from deep within earth and white-hot lava destroying the fields and forests that it touches. He provided that process to indicate how all human evils come from demons welling up from Hell. They gain control of minds focused on programmed entities in order to confuse and consume human souls. Every sort of human corruption comes from the viruses below. When we hear the representatives of evil, we know where they come from and understand their purpose.

Earth Allegorical Structure

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‘Earth, an Allegorical Structure’ was brought to you by Catholic Fundamentalism.


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