The easiest target is the biggest.

Those in the vast middle class think, with some accuracy, that they’re “the backbone of society”. They have adopted and adapted to the societal norms. They have found income-producing jobs and careers within the vast, complicated system that makes up the semi-free market. At the same time, they have accumulated individual assets that, among them, amount to trillions of dollars. They’re an easy target.

A vast accumulation of debt keeps the middle class in line. With mortgages, credit cards, and education debts, few dare to be bold and brash enough to risk present income flows. And, in some ways, discouraging foolish risks helps. But, we do not realize how helpless debt has made our society.

Women, especially, have a sense of how insecure their finances are. They are reluctant to take risks even as they are easily convinced to seek safety in government programs that pretend to “help” them “get through the tough times”. For that reason, many in the vast mass of middle class women are more easily convinced to vote for the latest Pied Piper promising to tootle them to safety and security, always “without raising taxes”.

Pied Pipers want to get paid. The rich are clever enough to keep from giving them money, and the poor don’t have any. So, the same people who voted for the Pied Piper are the first to have their wallets lightened by him.

The middle class rarely notices. Since many are raised with exalted levels of self-esteem, they are not able to blame themselves for what has happened to them, and will vote for the next Piper if he promises greater safety and security. They will never find it.

While Pied Pipers play their beguiling and distracting tunes, there are billions of people abroad who look at the Western middle class, and drool with envy. Now highly organized, they bribe their way into allowing millions, and then hundreds of millions of immigrants. Their purpose is not just to loot those in the Western middle class, but to kill or enslave them.

A few notice, but are helpless to stop the onslaught that precedes the inevitable slaughter of a surprisingly undefended middle class.
