Every Catholic has a Mission! 26.

Catholics share our love of History! The History of Italy helps us put facts into perspective.

753 years Before Christ, Romulus founded the City of Rome. He had one hill! Romans fought with the Etruscans. Soon, Rome had Seven Hills! Then, more cities!

In 390 BC, Gauls invaded Rome. Rome finally defeated them.

Rome continued to expand.

In 218 BC, Hannibal led a Carthaginian army against Rome. He was brilliant! No Roman general could stop him. Rome spent 15 years wearing him down by being “defeated” again and again and again.

Rome overcame Hannibal in 202 BC. Rome became the center of an Empire! It stretched across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.


Then, BC ended. AD began. Why? Jesus Christ had arrived in Fulfillment of The Prophecies.

St. Peter and St. Paul were personally Ordained by Jesus Christ. They moved to Rome. God’s Power let the Catholic Church grow. Italy became Catholic.

The Catholic Church spread through The Roman Empire on Roman roads and Roman ships.


Then, Goths began to attack Rome. Goths spread out from the small island of Gotland (Land of the Goths) next to Sweden. Soon, they chose to be Arians. They rejected Catholic Teaching about The Three Equal Persons of The Holy Trinity. Arianism taught that The Father was greater than The Son.

Why did they believe that? Early Profiteers of Protestantism made a living by getting donors to disobey This Teaching of Jesus Christ!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

They did not want anyone to obey That Teaching of Jesus Christ! Arianism gave The Profiteers of Protestantism an excuse!


Arianism was an insult to The Holy Trinity. The Protestant Tribes were overcome by Catholic Franks. They supported The Only Church Founded by Jesus Christ!

Visigoths (Western Goths) took over Spain. They began to join The Catholic Church in 587. Lombards in Northern Italy became Catholic. Most of Europe stayed Catholic for the next thousand years!


Then, Luther. The Arian Protestants had returned! Catholics know! Our Church is being attacked by the same enemy with new names!

History repeats itself. They still do not strive to obey Every Teaching of Jesus Christ. They still think He is less than The Father.

Successors to the Arian Heresy do not care. They rejoice.

Until Judgment.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
