St. Paul tells us to “demolish fortresses”. What does that mean?

St. Paul gives us an unusual job! St. Paul tells us to “demolish fortresses”. What does that mean? 2 Corinthians 10: 3-4. “Our war is not fought with weapons of flesh, yet they are strong enough, in God’s cause, to demolish fortresses.”

What are the “fortresses” we are called to “demolish”? They are structures of lies. What are our “weapons”? Every Teaching of Jesus Christ!

“Fortresses” are built in people’s minds. 2 Cor 10:4. “We demolish sophistries, and the arrogance that tries to resist the knowledge of God; . .” Those pyramids of lies are the “fortresses” we must “demolish”.


He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies had “knowledge of God”! Jesus Christ used His “knowledge of God” to Speak One Church Into Being! His Decree: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The Only Church Spoken Into Being by Jesus Christ is attacked by “sophistries”. Human vanity builds “Fortresses” in people’s minds to justify their desire to disobey Actual Teaching of God!


45,000 Protestant denominations are “fortresses”! 2 Cor 11:4 tells us who built them. “Because any newcomer has only to proclaim a new Jesus, different from the One that we preached, or you have only to receive a new spirit, different from the one you have already accepted; and you welcome it with open arms.”

St. Paul describes The Profiteers of Protestantism perfectly. Later, St. Paul tells us who and what they are!

2 Cor 11: 14. “These people are counterfeit apostles, they are dishonest workmen disguised as apostles of Christ.”

The builders of anti-Catholics “fortresses” hate that Passage!


In his next verse, St. Paul tells us what awaits the “counterfeit apostles”.

“They will come to the end they deserve.”

What “end” do those who refuse to obey Any Teachings of Jesus Christ “come to”? They may not be forever among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

What is every Catholic called to do? “demolish fortresses”!

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Simple reasons to be Catholic!
