First: one “us”. Then: another “us”. Should we tell the Protestants?

St. John tells us something that many non-Catholics avoid.  Rev 1: 5 includes:

“He loves us and has washed away our sins with His Blood and has made us a line of kings, priests to serve His God and Father;  to Him, then, be glory and power forever and ever.  Amen.” (emphasis added)

First:  one “us”. Then:  another “us”.  Should we tell the Protestants?


The first “us” includes all who are blessed to take advantage of The Power that Jesus gave to every Catholic priest.   “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

Every person Absolved by a Catholic priest has had our sins “washed away”.  We are in the first “us”.

~Who is in the second “us”?~

The second “us” follows the delineating word “and”.   They are among “and has made us a line of kings, priests to serve His God and Father:”  So, the second “us” describes His Catholic priests!

Catholics who are not ordained as Catholic “priests” are not Catholic “priests”!   Catholic “Kings” are not Catholic “priests”.  Even Catholic “Kings” know that!   The “kings” of Heaven are Catholic “priests”!

Many powerful people on earth do God’s Will.   They will go to Heaven.   What will they find?  Catholic “priests” ruling over them!

They are grateful to acknowledge The Authority of Catholic “king-priests” forever!

May we all be so blessed!


Many Catholic priests are frustrated on earth!   Some of them have to obey Bishops who seem obsessed with being popular with earthly authorities.   It is hard for many Catholic priests.  “Why is my Bishop more worried about Global Warming than stopping abortion?”

They all know Rev 2: 25:  “To those who prove victorious and keep working for Me until the end, I will give the authority over the pagans which I myself have been given by My Father, to rule them with an iron scepter and shatter them like earthenware.”

“working for Me until the end” is how Catholic priests become “kings”.

Every Catholic thanks God for our Catholic “priests”.  May the “king priests” of Heaven bless us, forever!

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