Former Protestants see what disobedient Spirits do.

God made our Soul, Spirit, and Brain!   God put our Soul and Spirit in our Brain to give us Free Will.

Our Soul can choose to make our Spirit use our Brain to know and obey God  If we want!


Two things keep us from obeying God.

First, the devil invented Temptations.  They distract us from knowing and obeying God.

Then, he invented reasons for people to give into Temptations.


God allowed that to happen.   God uses the devil and his temptations to divide people.

One group was described by Jesus.  “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

The other group?  His willfully disobedient enemies!


Protestants give into This Temptation:  “My opinion is the only truth I need!”

That Protestant Belief fits into a few molecules in our Brain!   That space is far smaller than the . at the end of a sentence.

Another Protestant Belief sits right next to it:  “God must let me into Heaven if I believe some of His Words.”


Tiny parts of the brain hold tiny parts of Truth.   The easy Words of Jesus fit within them.  Most Protestants agree:  “I believe in Jesus!”

That is a part of Truth.

Vanity keeps the rest of their Brain from understanding The Huge Catholic Fact:

Every Word of Jesus is Truth.


That Huge Catholic Fact will not fit inside those tiny places in The Protestant Brain!   The Protestant Spirit recoils in horror from This Word of Jesus!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

All Protestants disobey That Word of Jesus!   Why?   “My opinion is only truth I need!”  Their Soul lets their Spirit lock them both inside that tiny part of their Brain!


Protestants’ Pride is threatened by the thought that their opinions could be wrong!   The devil tells every Protestant;  “You are smart to disobey Jesus when you want!   I do, and I’m much smarter than you are!”


We pray that Protestants Souls are blessed to make their Spirit move into more of their Brain.  Then, they will understand:

This Word of Jesus is Truth!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

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