Four ways Catholics can help our critics:

Many criticize Catholics because we take Jesus “too seriously”.  Four ways Catholics can help our critics:

1.  Critics castigate Catholics for believing Jesus Only Founded One Church when He said:  “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”  That threat to Protestant cash flows and credibility compels many of them to go on and on about the meaning of “rock”.  Others announce excitedly “Jesus was Jewish!  So were the Apostles!”  Anything to avoid thinking about the inescapable fact that Jesus Only Founded One Church and they aren’t in it.  Catholics, do not let ourselves be distracted!   We simply reply, “But, Jesus did say ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you . . . . . ‘, and repeat the passage as often as necessary.

2.  Intelligent Protestants see another threat to credibility and cash flows in the clear call to Catholic Communion Jesus repeated EIGHTEEN TIMES, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  Many of them insist, “Jesus never said that, and if He did, He didn’t mean it.”  When Catholics let them know Jesus said that TWELVE TIMES in the last half of John, 6 and repeated it SIX MORE TIMES in The Last Supper Accounts of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, they reply “Sometimes, Jesus did not know how to speak  clearly.”  We simply repeat what Jesus actually said as often as necessary.

3.  Many Protestants are anxious to let us know “Catholic priests are wrong to be celibate.”  When a Catholic responds  “Catholic priests follow the example Jesus set for them.”, we may be treated with hearing a “sincere Christian” say,  “Just because Jesus was celibate doesn’t make it right.”  We may ask,  “Isn’t it best for clergy to live like Jesus?”

4.  Less-educated Protestantism teaches:   “The Catholic Church is Babylon!”  They may be blessed to meet a Catholic who replies:  “The Catholic Church has been Pro-Life from the beginning.  Does your denomination prohibit people, even married clergy, from using abortion-inducing birth control devices and chemicals?”


