G. K. Chesterton’s most brilliant sentence?

.                                                       How did G. K. Chesterton describe life in one sentence?


Question 1:  “Why is G. K. Chesterton so important?”

Answer:   “For a hundred years, Catholics have learned the importance of Faith, Freedom, and Families from the writings of Gilbert Keith Chesterton.”


Question 2:  “Where was Chesterton’s thinking formed?”

Answer:  “He was born and schooled in Protestant England 300 years after thirteen centuries of Catholic Tradition had been replaced by armed gangs of Willful Protestants.  Their leaders wanted to seize the 20,000,000 acres of English Land donated to The Catholic Church for Churches, Schools, Universities, Hospitals, Convents, Monasteries, and Accommodations for The Poor.”


Question 3:  “What drove England’s Willful Protestants to do that?”

Answer:  “They wanted to confiscate Catholic lands and buildings for their huge estates and mansions.”


Question 4:   “Did Chesterton encourage love for The Catholic Church despite the powerful anti-Catholics who ruled England?”

Answer:   “He defended The Only Church spoken into being by This Word of Jesus Christ!  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 5:  “Did Chesterton understand that those who love Money and Control always hate The Catholic Church for defending Faith, Freedom, and Families?”

Answer:  “Yes.”


Question 7:   “What was G. K. Chesterton’s brilliant sentence describing those who love Money and Control more than God and their neighbors?”

Answer:   “He summed up their hatred of Faith, Freedom, and Families in one sentence!  ‘Find out what Tommy is doing and tell him to stop.’


Question 8:   “That means there are levels of control!   Who gave the order:  ‘Find out what Tommy is doing,  .   .   .’?”

Answer:   “The devil rules the world.   In every time and place, his followers tell their subordinates what to do.”


Question 9:   “To whom do they give their orders:  ‘Find 0ut what Tommy is doing .  .  . ?”

Answer:   “That order goes down to their swarms of spies, informers, and tattle-tales.   They spend their lives seeking rewards for obeying the order:   ‘Find out what Tommy is doing  .   .   .’


Question 10:   “Who will always ‘tell him (Tommy) to stop (whatever he’s doing)?

Answer:    “People with badges, guns, courts, and jails have the power to ‘tell him to stop.’   Those who hate Faith, Freedom, and Families want to tax and control every human activity.


Question 11:  “Do we have to obey them?”

Answer:   “Sometimes.   But, Catholics prefer to be among those described by He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies:   ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.  catholicfundamentalism.com


