Gene ration.

Each one of us has been given a specific ration of genes. Some came from our mothers’ ancestors, some from our fathers’.

At the moment of conception, our Guardian Angel put the genes from our mothers and fathers together to make us what The Programmer wanted us to be.

They did a good job. Each of us is so well made that we can choose between loving our neighbor and hating our neighbor.

Many of us get overly interested in our ration of genes. “If I am descended from someone whose ration of genes allowed him to be rich and famous, then I am better than those without such an illustrious ancestor.” Naturally, everyone who studies their own genes has some desire to find illustrious ancestors.

Others wish to claim famous groups of which their ration of genes entitles them to feel good about themselves. Many are proud to be descended from William the Conqueror. Others, from a U.S. President. Some, from someone who came over on the Mayflower. The Daughters of Magna Carta are quite pleased to have an ancestor who signed that document.

This sort of thing distracts us from the important work of saving our soul. Our soul will not be judged by what its ancestors did. It can only be saved by what we do with the gifts we’ve been given. Each gene ration’s job is ever the same. Save our soul.

That can only be done by loving God and neighbor.
