God as Cloud, V

One of the best reasons to imagine God as a Cloud is that there are a lot of clouds. We never know if He’s one, or in one, of them. “I wonder if that’s God?”, we can find ourselves saying as a particular cloud wafts by, blown by unseen powers above. Whether it’s true or not, it’s helpful because it reminds us that we are never far from Him.

We know from the First Programming Log (Old Testament) that God once accomplished His Will by having “a cloud, as small as a man’s hand” appear on the horizon. It brought a deluge that ended a devastating drought.

That means that any, or every, cloud may be doing the Will of The Programmer. It may also mean that any cloud may be, or contain, The Programmer, Program, Holy Wireless Connector and the entire Heavenly Host.

“Wouldn’t we know that?” the skeptics ask. “Really, how could God, or “The Programmer”, as you Catholic Fundamentalists call Him, be that close to us and we not know it.”

We reply: “He’s programmed us in such a way that we are physically unaware of the spiritual realm, the same way He programmed some people to be unable to tell blue from green.”
